At Abhinav Phadke's coaching institute, Science and Mathematics is taught as per the text-books prescribed by the Maharashtra State Board (SSC) or the Central Board (CBSE) for standard 9 and 10. Our focus lies on building the capabilities of a student, so that he/she can appropriately and efficiently use the concepts taught in the class, in a real-world situation. We follow a knowledge-oriented approach, rather than an exam-oriented approach of teaching & learning. Hence, we go beyond the prescribed text-books, where-ever and as much is felt necessary.
We do not have a 'Magic Wand' which will assure the success of your child. All the success your child earns is solely because of the sincere efforts he/she puts in towards achieving the set goals. However, having enough faith in the teacher's methods and ideology, is very necessary to gain knowledge.
This class is a 'correct choice' for a student who understands that education is his/her own responsibility. Lazy students will not benefit from this class, since we do not spoon-feed them with ready-made 'notes' or 'question-answers'. Any industrious student will treat this to be the best opportunity for expressing oneself, and hence will create some 'original' study-material. Most of the lecture time is utilized in explaining the new concepts and their simple applications or uses. So, it is the responsibility of the student to plan and execute all the practice-work or revision that he/she requires, for the topics taught here. Parents should monitor that their child is doing all the home-work and is preparing notes of his/her own, regularly and sincerely. Students should, without any hesitation, get their doubts clarified, either before or after their regular lecture. They should not allow their doubts to get accumulated.
We conduct three or four class-tests in a year, each based on a group of chapters. For standard 10, in addition to the class-tests, a test-series based on the full syllabus is conducted at the end of the year (for Science and Mathematics only). Question paper pattern for the test-series is as per the board exam. Students are expected to study sincerely and attend all class-tests, since their admission to the next year (if applicable) is based on their class-test performance.
Fees will be
accepted by :
A local bank
cheque (payable at Pune)
Via electronic mode of payment (UPI) only
(GPay, Paytm, PhonePe, BHIM, etc)
Fee cheque should be in the name of :
Fees for standard 10 (Mathematics
+ Science) :
Rs. 14,000/- (Fourteen thousand only)
to both subjects is compulsory
Fees are for the whole year and for both subjects
Fees are inclusive of all taxes and are strictly non-refundable and non-transferable
For queries / appointment please contact me on my mobile, preferably before 2:00 pm on any week day (except Saturday & Sunday)
Abhinav PhadkeClass-room Address: Flat 3, Second Floor, Vishnupriya Apartments, Opposite Parvati Jalakendra, Above Ishan Hotel, Sinhgad Road, Pune - 411030