Abhinav Phadke

Class-room Address: Flat 3, Second Floor, Vishnupriya Apartments, Opposite Parvati Jalakendra, Sinhgad Road, Pune - 411030

page last updated on 22/11/2023

Statutory Rules

All our innovative teaching methods will be beneficial, if students attend all lectures. Hence, we expect 100% attendance. Students must not remain absent for any reasons like household functions, festivals, school or other exams, extra-curricular activities or because the topic being taught is not included in their next school exam. If a student has to remain absent on account of serious illness, then it will be the responsibility of the student and his/her parents to cover-up the topics, taught here during that period. Notes (if any) prepared by the fellow-students may be shared. The same topic will not be taught once again. All lectures are compulsory for every student.

Sequence of topics
The sequence of teaching the topics in the curriculum is decided as per our understanding of the subject and thus may not match with every school / board / text-book. As we go much beyond the text-book details, our speed of completing various chapters may not match with their school. Students should have enough patience, so as to cope up with this procedure. We reserve the right to decide the order in which various topics are to be taught.

Home-work / Project-work

Lot of thought-provoking home-work is assigned to the students, especially while teaching concept-rich chapters in mathematics as well as science. Students are expected to note-down all such assigned home-work and must try their best to complete it before the next lecture on that topic.  Project-work (if any) should be completed and shown to the teacher before the due date of submission. Parents or elders should NOT help their child in his/her project-work or home-work. Please allow them to work independently, so that they can discover their real abilities & skills.

Class Tests
Dates and syllabus for the class test is announced in the regular lecture, well in advance. Attendance for all class tests and test series is compulsory. No excuses will be tolerated later and an appropriate action will be taken against the absent students. Parents are expected to closely monitor the performance of their child in these tests.

Parking, Waiting & the use of Lift
Our society has allowed parking for the students' bicycles only and that too in the specific allotted area only. Safety of his/her bicycle is solely the student's responsibility. Institute will not be responsible for the theft / damage to the bicycles. Use strong wire-lock to tie the bicycle to an iron chain fixed in the allotted area. Entry to parents' vehicles in the society premises is strictly prohibited. Parents and students should not occupy society's stairs, steps or parking area, as this hampers the privacy of the society members. Parents or students should not sit on the two wheeler / vehicles parked in the premises of the society. Lift is NOT to be used by students or parents. Students should not make noise while in the premises of society, especially in the staircase.

Electronic equipment
Students are strictly prohibited to use electronic devices like mobile phones, voice/video recorders, laptops, tabs, mp3 players, i-pods, calculators and any other Hi-Fi gadgets in the class-room.

Admission criteria
  1. Having a good academic record at school / other exams / at extra-curricular activities is not the only criteria for admission to our institute. Eligibility is decided by many other criteria as well. 
  2. We do not offer admission, to those students who attend / wish to attend other classes as well, for the subjects that they want to opt at our institute. Hence, parents and students are requested to make a 'clear decision' about the choice of the coaching class, before filling our application form.
  3. Once a student is given admission to a batch, then, batch-changes will not be possible in future. Hence, parents and students are requested to select the batch carefully and thoughtfully. 
  4. Admission to a seat in any batch is strictly non-transferable. Mutual exchanges are not allowed.
Termination of admission
We reserve the right to terminate entire admission of any student under the following conditions:
  1. Inordinate absenteeism for lectures of any one or both subjects.
  2. Repeated delays in project submission or non-completion of home-work, misuse of facilities, non-participation in project-work, irregular attendance, misbehaviour, or causing damage to the property of our institute. 
  3. Enrolment or admission to any other mathematics or science class / IIT foundation class / higher-level mathematics or science training institute.
  4. Any type of mischief or misbehaviour in the class or in the premises of our society.
  5. Disturbing our neighbours / residents of our society or damaging their vehicles or property.
  6. Disrespecting the co-students in any manner / interfering into their 'right to learn' in a healthy atmosphere.
  7. Non-compliance with any rules / policies of our institute.
Fees will not be refunded in any of the above cases of 'termination of admission'.

Fees and Mode of payment
Fees are strictly non-refundable and non-transferable. We accept fees by a local bank cheque (payable at Pune) or via electronic mode of payment (UPI) only. Fee payment by cash or draft will NOT be acceptable. 

Performance evaluation
It is based on the student's behaviour in the class, attendance, class-test marks, home-work and project-work completion, etc. Admission to the next year (if applicable) is based on this evaluation.

Parents are not expected to meet the teacher too often. Feedback regarding various activities in the class can be best obtained from your child. Parents can meet me by a prior telephonic appointment. Contact me on my mobile, preferably before 2:00 pm on any week day (except Saturday & Sunday).

Minimum batch strength & Cancellation of a planned batch
Conducting a planned batch is viable, only if, minimum 4 or 5 students confirm their admission to that batch, before the commencement date.
Else, we reserve the right to cancel such a batch for that academic year.
Fees paid for admission to such a cancelled batch, will be fully refunded.

Any special restrictions / regulations / guidelines imposed by the government, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, will be binding on all students and hence must be strictly adhered to.

Contact Details

Abhinav Phadke
Mobile: 91453 93 889